"Example: Generating phase diagrams" does not run

Having installed ‘pymatgen’ and ‘mapi’ and using python3 (on ubuntu 16.04), then the example will not run. The error produced is

/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/pymatgen/matproj/rest.py:3: UserWarning: pymatgen.matproj.rest has been moved to pymatgen.ext.matproj.This stub will be removed in pmg 2018.01.01.
  warnings.warn("pymatgen.matproj.rest has been moved to pymatgen.ext.matproj."
/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/pymatgen/phasediagram/__init__.py:17: UserWarning: pymatgen.phasediagram and submodules has been moved to pymatgen.analysis.phase_diagram This stub will be removed in pmg 2018.01.01.
  warnings.warn("pymatgen.phasediagram and submodules has been moved to "

Changing the import statements to

from pymatgen import MPRester                                                  
from pymatgen.analysis.phase_diagram import PhaseDiagram, PDPlotter            

seem to fix it for me.